y1WlEjNAYV3-K1WpS3N1_iK3Azo TaJuLa's Blog: 2 Year Old Girl Killed By Mother's Boyfriend Because He Was Frustrated That She Wasnt Toilet Trained.

Friday 28 February 2014

2 Year Old Girl Killed By Mother's Boyfriend Because He Was Frustrated That She Wasnt Toilet Trained.

Late Tanilla Warrick-Deaves
The two-year-old was being beaten to death by Warren James Ross, 30, in her mother’s home on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, after he became frustrated that the little girl was not toilet-trained. Ross abused Tanilla in the weeks leading up to her death in August 2011 as he used brutal methods to try to toilet-train her, forcing her to run laps, whipping her with various implements and hitting her.
The violence escalated with Ross striking the toddler repeatedly, banging her head on a glass shower screen and a cupboard door. The beatings were so severe that she lay unconscious in a pram for two days until she eventually stopped breathing. The girl’s mother, Donna Deaves, witnessed the abuse but did not intervene or call for medical assistance as her daughter lay unconscious. She was found guilty of manslaughter last year and was sentenced to 12 years prison, which was reduced to nine years after she agreed to give testimony against Ross, her former partner. Ross was convicted in December last year after a harrowing six-week trial.  DM.

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