y1WlEjNAYV3-K1WpS3N1_iK3Azo TaJuLa's Blog: Common Mistakes Women Make By Praise Fowowe.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Common Mistakes Women Make By Praise Fowowe.

 Comparing Your Spouse With Your Friend’s Spouse
We started looking at the 4 packages men come in yesterday and the need not to compare your man because he is totally different from others and so far we have looked at the Intimidating spouse and the creative spouse. The creative spouse naturally attracts loads of ladies and hates being compared. . His shoes go north while the socks go south and he seems to be always looking for things. He could be indisciplined l but he becomes more responsible if he has a spouse who can hold him accountable, emotionally, without rejecting him. He loves to be touched and wants sex a lot so don’t reject him and tell him to grow up. You can say No in a better way but every no must come with an appointment. For example if you say No at 9 pm cos you are tired, you must be able to appeal to him to be patient till 2 am.
He is one who must be pampered. The Dependable spouse on the other hand is very passive but a complete family man. He could be cautious to a level that can get you angry especially when what you want done require  quick decision. He hates to be rushed and shouted at and that can make him withdraw and keep secrets. He is gentle and loving and that could be taken for granted but he does not want you to take advantage of him because of that.  He wants you to be sincere and interested in him and respected for his support and maturity which he hardly gets. He is a slow starter and a bit laid back but finishes whatever he stars. Finally the Systematic spouse is also passive and a perfectionist. He is critical and doesn’t have so many friends. Battles with low self esteem especially if you are doing better but he is highly intelligent although highly sensitive as well.You need wisdom as a woman to scan your man so that you can determine where he falls and related based on his true abilities and not who you expect him to be.
.Seeking To Change Or Retrain Him. 
 It is amazing how a woman who was in courtship with a man that was sexually reckless seeks to change him after marriage?(if he was cheating with you there is no way he won't cheat on you) Or how do you expect a man who has anger problem that could make him break his electronics or even beat his younger sister not to break and assault you in marriage. I often tell married women that most of the problems we battle with in marriage are avoidable problems. One bitter truth that many of us are unwilling to swallow is never to get married to a man whose current reality you are unwilling to enjoy for the rest of your life. His marriage proposal was an offer that you had a choice to accept or reject so never complain about what you permit. That is not to say that men can’t change. Yes! They can however you would have to do that on his own terms not on your own terms and that could take some years of consistency on your part without losing yourself. Have you ever tried to find out why his mother couldn’t change him for 28 years before she passed him to you?  So you think you can achieve in 2 years what was formed for over 28 years?  Patience is the key word here but many of us have pushed our men out by our quest to retrain him. Unfortunately what we excuse/rationalize in our religious leaders and bosses we fight in our spouses. Are you sure it is your man who needs to change or it is your perception of him that needs to change? God hasn’t created a man he can’t tame so He can help but every man also has a price provided you are willing to pay it. I believe the power to transform every man resides in every woman but many women haven’t realized their power and discover the greatest technique to retraining their men. To be contd. Prayers-  God let my words and attitude to him minister your grace from now.

Failure To Remain A Babe: What is your excuse?
I often ask women to come with some of the pictures they took when they were single and when they just got married and compare with what they have become since they got married. The person your man fell in love with wasn’t a wrapper tying ‘Mama’. It was a babe that stood out and that is why you can’t afford to let down your guard under the guise of motherhood. I know it is tough to combine both roles in the 21st century but you can also structure your life in a way that gives you time to be able to take a very good care of yourself. Why don’t you take a second look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are still a babe or you have been reconfigured? I want every woman to do a current assessment of herself this morning which includes your current attitude, communication clues, shape and dress sense and rate yourself and please be very honest with yourself. I am aware the pressure at home and lack of compliments on the part of the man could have made you let down your guards but you owe yourself and not even any man that honour to look good, relate well and dress well. Some women have a permanent dirty wrapper they use for home chores at the moment and some have a torn night dress. It is too costly to assume your position is safe because you have a ring because there are so many wandering birds out there waiting to also perch on your man. If you don’t understand colours or your dress sense isn’t good enough please get help from people who can help you. Don’t blow out of proportion get back into a gym and work out. Find out from him the areas he wants you to improve and do it. Reject the quest for people to turn you to ‘Mama’.Don’t become a mother to your children at the expense of the babe your man married.Wisdom is profitable to direct so embrace wisdom and step out again like the elegant you that swept him off his feet. Yes! You can.
Women give a lot of excuses for their inability to remain a babe and lose shape. Yesterday I read the story of a 65 year old barren woman. She was not just barren but had endured seeing her domestic servants give birth and increase till she had about 318 people to feed daily(you can imagine the cultural pressure that could be on her). They were relocating into a new country to start a new life yet she never allowed her situation and circumstances to overwhelm her. She never lost her shape, attitude and dress sense. She remained his babe and was so attractive at 65 that another king was ready to snatch her from her husband so what is your excuse? It is so easy to blame your husband, stressful marriage, wicked in-laws, job stress or even the fact that you have given birth to 6 children. Any situation that can take your identity and dignity away from you will ultimately take away your appearance. You are not built for worry, Sarah Abram’s was barren and had passed menopause so had enough reasons to be stressed and out of shape yet she never allowed what she doesn’t have to limit her. Do an internal check and rid yourself of the pains, stress and rejection. Make yourself happy. You owe it to yourself. Learn how to walk like an elegant woman it is not too late. Not even your children should take your shape away from you so get back to keeping fit again. You have the power to turn heads woman. You are either turning his head in your direction or away from your direction. Happiness is feeling good about yourself so work on your tummy and weight. You can shed that weight as a matter of fact God even instructs you to lay aside every weight. The time is now lay aside stress, guilt, heartbreak, disappointments, rejection, dejection or even regrets is today and let the babe in you come alive again.

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