I don’t know if you have observed that children within this age range don’t really want to assist at home yet they could spend the whole day playing. Truth is we would never raise the next generation of scientists and global icon that way and our not getting them responsible early enough is partly responsible for their early exposure to child sexual abuse. So how do you get them to do what they would ordinarily not do? Sit your children down and ask what they would have you buy for them if they had a blank cheque?
Listen to them and write down their requests but also find out what they would be willing to trade to get their desires? Set the rules which should be something like they must be able to accumulate 1 million right points to get their desires and the rule would be every time they do what is right in the house without being told they would earn 10000 points but every time you notice something that is wrong in their territory they will lose 10000 points. Set a score board in your home to record their points.
You will notice immediate change in them like a woman did and had to send her house-help away because her children became responsible for everything happening in the house. However you must keep to your word if they earn the 1 million points or else they would never trust you again. Still on identity teach your children that they are world changers, role models and leaders. End the identity session with the final song on the song CD ‘That everyone is doing it doesn't make it right and that you alone are doing it doesn't make it wrong. I will stand out 3 times, because i am a king/queen 2 times. Tunde was 7 and he would always go out to play with Kunle his 8 year old friend. The 2 families had been so close for years and although Kunle’s attitude had left much to be desired over time the 2 families just felt it was one of those things but they were quite wrong because Kunle over time had been severally sodomized by the house-boy from age 4 and he had also introduced Tunde into the act. Nobody knew there was anything happening until Tunde’s mum walked in on them mistakenly during a family visit.
Do you care to find out who your child’s friends are and what they call play? Or you are one of those parents who just assume that your child’s definition of play is your definition as well? One of the blind spots for parents is to assume that your child is safe because his friend is same gender with him. Many parents over time have come to learn the hard way because there is so much lesbianism and gay interaction going on in the life of the children at this age so you need to teach your child about My Friend and I which is another vital module you must run your child through at this age.
Seek to find out who your child’s closest friend is and why are they best of friends? Of course your child would give you a few answers but go ahead to teach that a good friend: Believes in me, Helps me do what is right, Corrects me when I go wrong(they don’t like that), Respects other people including elders, Helps me become better, Shares my values and helps me to live by my values, A bad friend on the other hand: Helps me do what is wrong, Pulls me down, Brings wrong information like bad movies and pictures, Tries to touch my private parts, Teaches me to keep things away from my parents. Above all the onus lies on you to ask your child to bring his friends home while you observe from afar the type of association he/she keeps. Friendship must be value based and that you must teach your child.
Praise Fowowe
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