We examined the 4 golden rules of the body yesterday and am so certain by now you have been able to run your children through it. Yemisi was 5 and the only girl a midst teenage boys in her family comprising of cousins and brothers and while her parents thought she was safe with her siblings little did they know that she had become the specimen for the teenage experiment of the boys in the house.
In her words ‘Every night was bad for me because I didn't understand why they all picked on me and I was too afraid to tell anyone because all of them were doing it and I simply lost control at 13 and feasted on my innocent kid brother whenever there was no man around’ I am not sure we can comprehend what truly happened to all the boys and girls who had become bad today. Between 1999-2002 I must have worked with over 300 commercial sex workers and I never met any that was not sexually abused.
Teaching the 4 golden rules song and explaining it is so critical for this age range but beyond the 4 golden rules you must teach fire on the mountain here which is also a song that says ‘Bad movies, Bad pictures, Bad songs, Bad friends that’s fire on the mountain so run and run and run away there’s fire on the mountain’ always remember that it is better to build a child than to be trying to repair an adult. A man brought pornography movie home to see with his wife and while seeing the movie in their bedroom one of his children bumped into the room and saw a bit of it. Of course the wife was very angry and sent the boy who was 6 out of the room. While seeing the movie there was a power outage and the couple slept off without ejecting the VCR The following day they went to work and forgot about the VCR The children came back from school with a neighbors son and decided to go see what their parents were seeing the previous day. There were 4 of them a girl who was 4 and 3 boys ages 5, 6 and 7. They started seeing the movie and decided to practice what they were seeing on the only girl. It was their aunt that walked in on them and in her words ‘I almost passed out because I couldn't believe what I saw’.
There are 2 types of sexual abuse. There is abuse by orientation and there is abuse by interaction. The former is when a child is made to see a sexually explicit movie or listen to lewd songs while the latter is when a child is directly touched. How many times have you organized a birthday party for your child and what kind of music did you allow the DJ play? Have you bothered to find out the songs being played inside your child’s school bus or while driving your child to school? Who taught your child the adult songs and dance steps she had started singing? Do you know the damage you do to your child’s emotions when you allow them see with you movies above their age? How many children are being molested bcos of the way they danced or sexualized behaviors exhibited? Modifying Asa’s songs ‘So little lucy turned 6 and like the movies she’s been seeing she has a lover in her brothers she can’t tell nobody till she made the evening news, there is fire on the mountain and nobody seems to be on the run..........’
To be continued
Praise Fowowe
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