I saw this interesting conversation on Facebook yesterday concerning Colonial Administrator Lord Lugard and i though to share to enlighten us all, apparently a lot of Nigerians including yours truly are not happy with the Federal Government of Nigeria for celebrating a man that did more harm than good to Nigeria and Nigerians. I also came across an interesting picture of one colonial administrator but his identity is in dispute so i would just leave it at that.

Modupe Debbie Ariyo, an activist, trainer, campaigner, researcher ,an advocate for the rights and welfare of children and a member of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), shared this picture on her Facebook wall yesterday and it sparked a heated debate. I dont want to believe these are real people's mummified heads. Its sad what colonialism has done to our dear Country and yet we still honour and worship these people. They were oppressors! What they did to us as a people thats what Boko Haram is doing now, does it make them any different...............NO
I do not have any pretensions on the moral standing of Lord Fredrick. However this picture with his "trophies" does seem to have all the signs of photoshopped image with misaligned contrasts, physical irregularities (heads suspended in thin air) and the absence of any recognisable light source or shadow. that is NOT to say Lugard was an angel... only that this exhibit shows very little credibility and i doubt it could withstand exhaustive scrutiny.