Well am thankful for good healthy, life , wealth, family............i lost a son a while back, he barely lived , last year wasn't so good because it was fresh, this year has been better. Am stronger and better. God has a reason for everything and for that i am thankful.
Made friends, expanded my businesses, every one of them. i became older and wiser and learnt to take things a little bit easy, the African in me wont let me be completely relaxed. I became a better wife, mother, sister, cousin. Give much more than i thought i had and was a blessing to so many people. I am thankful for my wonderful hubby who despite our different cultures/backgrounds has loved me relentless and supported all my ideas no matter how crazy they may seem to me. He was been my rock. I am thankful for my wonderful mother, she had been strong, the year didn't pan out the way she wanted it but shes alive and would soon hit the big 60. Thankful to all my blog visitors -without you all i wont be here, guest writers - who wrote while i was not able to. God bless you all. 2014 is our year to rule, reign, expand and be on top always. Amen. See you all in 2014. What are you thankful for? Please Share.
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